Wednesday, June 18, 2014

The Importance of Driveway Guards

This is an unpaid content of Crest Media Internet Marketing Inc. 
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Driveway guards are one of the best new outdoor safety products on the market today. Whether you live on a busy street or in a quiet neighborhood with little traffic except morning or evening rush hour, driveway guards offer you peace of mind when your children are playing outside or an elderly in his mobility scooter is hanging out in the front lawn.

What is a Driveway Guard?

A driveway guard is a safety net that extends across a driveway to create a barrier between your property and the public right of way or street. It is not a fence, yet it provides both a visual and physical barrier. Driveway guards are made of a soft plastic mesh that is sturdy and waterproof. The mesh is a bright orange color that makes it highly visible. Generally three feet high, they are available in several adjustable lengths, typically a maximum of 16, 18, or 25 feet.

Benefits of Driveway Guards

Costing between $70 and $100, driveway guards are an excellent safety product for children and elderly in wheelchairs or mobility scooters. They are especially useful if you have more than one child, or your house is the one where neighborhood children gather to play kickball or soccer in the driveway.

Driveway guards are also useful for other areas besides the driveway; for example, to enclose a side or front yard, or cordon off a part of the back yard.

Driveway guards can also help prevent accidents from happening, for instance when children are busy riding their bikes and not paying attention to whether any cars are coming, or when a disabled individual in his mobility vehicle is out of his mind to cross the street by himself.

The bright orange color of the driveway guard also alerts drivers of an activity ahead. The design of a driveway guard makes it easy to store.

In addition, it is lightweight, easy to carry around, and there are no unwieldy nets to fold up. Because the poles fit straight into the below grade sleeves, there are no heavy sandbags or weights needed to stabilize the poles. Another advantage to having the sleeves set at grade is they don't interfere with lawn maintenance, nor will they cause a stumbling hazard.

Driveway guards are another safety tool to protect children, people with disabilities, and individuals with mobility problems.

This is an unpaid content of Crest Media Internet Marketing Inc. 
Crest Media Internet Marketing Inc. hires content writers, but does not pay them for their work.